
2010-12-09 15:48:59
Well done! I also read a lot of "My kids are sick," with accompanying details of which has vomited what and where.

2010-12-09 16:06:08
Perfect. I would only add "Mmmmmm, _____ for (dinner/breakfast/snack/brunch.)" followed by a chorus of "Bring me some!" and/or "do you deliver, har har har."

2010-12-09 21:21:59
HAH! I was about to add "I ate _____ today," but Lexi beat me too it. You also forgot: "I'm bored/busy at work" "My kid said/did the funniest thing!" "Implication that I am a rock star"

2010-12-09 21:25:22
You also forgot "I would like attention now." (in the form of "ARGH!" "Sigh" "I just don't know..." "I give up," or some other vague/ambiguous word/phrase.)

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