
2010-05-05 19:52:40
Beautifully stated. AMEN.

2010-05-05 20:43:31
Brian Swann likes this.

2010-05-06 03:19:22
I love kids. Don't want kids. Just like you. Ah, but I remember what it was like to be a kid, particularly a bullied, alone kid, with no one backing me up. Back then, I'd take any kind soul -childless or not- to have my back.

2010-05-06 06:25:45
Wurd. This "friend" of yours clearly has some sort of issue of her own. The only people who judge me for being a vegetarian are people who feel insecure about the fact that they eat meat. It's kind of a classic. You know I ain't havin' kids, and it's kind of amazing. People will hint about shit like, "oh, you know, when you and Aaron have a little one..." and I'll say, "oh, we're not having kids," they'll be all, "What? why not? bla bla bla bla." The reverse would never occur. I would love to say to someone, "Oh, you're having kids? Why?" No one questions that. Some people should.

2010-05-07 03:34:38
Again, straight-shot and pure truth. You rule, Lisa McC. (Me, also ruthlessly bullied in middle school, and also raising the flag for deliberate non-breeders here, nothing against those who pop out the rugrats! It's just not for me, either.)

2010-05-07 22:45:18
Hell, I admire people who decide NOT to have kids more than I do those that DO. It's a somewhat tougher and less selfish decision than having them... even though a lot of people look at it the other way around. I would NEVER say to someone "Oh, you HAVE to have kids!" I don't understand why that's "acceptable" but "Oh, you really SHOULDN'T have kids!" isn't. I think "Oh, you REALLY shouldn't have had kids!" about people on a daily basis. Some people just should not, and I admire the hell out of those who know themselves well enough not to go the breeder route.

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