
2009-10-21 22:14:02
THAT'S WHAT I DRINK! Only, I drink it with Grade B Maple Syrup instead of honey... it's better for you than honey, believe it or not. Also, I only use Bragg's Organic Apple Cider Vinegar. The cloudy kind. The cloudy kind works better. I try to drink this mixture every day, actually, as it helps to regulate blood sugar and it helps to alkaline the body as well. I am a freak in that I LOVE the taste of vinegar. I love the taste of this mixture.

2009-10-21 22:53:15
"dollar store douchebag"! That, my lady - is pure genius.

Kellie B
2009-10-22 17:17:26
Well that made me laugh. Remember when sensitive pony-tail man hightailed it to his doctor when he thought his colon was ripped to shreds. It wasn't, it was the beets he had eaten for dinner the night before. Classic.

2009-10-22 22:38:27
Ha ha HA! I'd forgotten about that. It amazes me that a) he didn't make the connection, and b) actually ADMITTED this to us.

2009-10-23 04:54:42
My mom's family swears by some similar (but different) vinegar based remedy for GI/stomach flu type things. The cough remedy sounds like I could handle it. I will have to get my family's recipe that they all swear by but that I have - to this day - never tried. Probiotics seem to do ok by me. But this is good to know. Because I had pneumonia multiple times as a baby and, therefore, get every lung ailment that comes down the pike. Thanks for the gumball, Mickey!

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