
2009-02-19 23:22:27
Interesting that you blacked out that hour. I have blacked out any recollection of having ever substitute taught anywhere at anytime. Thus I do not recall being fucked with.... But I do recall seeing my miniscule paycheck and realizing the whole experience was SO not worth it. Though I did meet some interesting faculty members at the Hull Middle School who told me they were "Buddhists" and that, if I were interested in exploring that, I could attend one of their get-togethers. So with my open-minded youthful soul emboldened from my own collegiate studies of Religions of the East... I went. They spent the evening chanting for "better lives" ("Nam Myoho Renge Kyo) which they told me might be a new car, or a lot of money... and it would work better if a bought one of the nifty mini-shrines available from their leaders. I asked how that all might relate to the Buddhist goal of attaining the level of the Boddhisatva. They looked at me a bit, and then stopped talking to me. I left, disillusioned, and became the soulless wandering husk you see today. So because of substitute teaching, I've got THAT going for me.

2009-02-20 00:21:09
Well, that's what you get for teaching in HULL.

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