
2008-12-02 01:34:17
Your end of the night summary is perfect. Joanne and I were sitting at a table by ourselves watching it unfold - I think you referred to it as mating calls or something. anyway great to see you. I wandered around a lot didn't necessarily catch up with anyone fully. :-)

2008-12-02 02:29:24
It was seriously like something on the "National Geographic" channel.

"...and now, the males gather to summon the females with their plaintive bellowing. Failing to attract potential mates, they just bellow at one another until one of them vomits or passes out."

2008-12-02 13:34:01
"there's one person in particular that I sincerely hope I'll stay in touch with now going forward" Inquiring minds....

2008-12-02 20:41:13
Glad that things went ok in the end :-)

Rebecca H.
2008-12-03 16:54:14
I thought of this post last night as I watched the video from my senior year that a classmate had burned to DVD and sent to me. My 20th reunion is this summer, and I considering going and expect to see some of the very same behaviors that you saw.

2008-12-04 19:00:14
Wonderful update Lisa. Makes me even more thrilled I decided to stay home! Can't wait to see the same pack of bellowers at our 50th.

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