
2008-09-01 19:40:06
What a little cutie pie...of course, you realize that a house cat will live a loooooooooooong time. Look at Sam...but I know she'll give you guys a lot of pleasure and fun. Can't wait to for her to meet "Granma and Papa." Talk to you later...

2008-09-02 23:24:27
Gorgeous meow meow, kitty kitty! Can't wait to meet her fuzzy face!

2008-09-03 15:47:37
What a cutie! I love torties, their coloring is so beautiful. There is one that comes on our front porch and eats from our stray cat food bowl, but I haven't been able to get near her. Ferals can be hard to litter box train, but since you got a female, it shouldn't be too bad. Good luck!

2008-09-03 16:45:43
She went straight to the litter box, and hasn't had an "accident" yet. It's really the only thing in the apartment that is anything like the loose soil they like to go in, since we don't have houseplants or any kind of shag carpeting.

2008-09-03 21:21:53
Yeah, she figured out the litter box thing straightaway. I think I might rename her "Mensa."

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