
2008-07-25 16:11:13
I'm not a big cookie fan, but man, give me some weird foreign food pickled in a jar and I will buy it! Spooney and I recently ventured into a Salvadoran restaurant just across the boulevard from where I live. We were the only gabachos in there, in fact, given the animosity between the Mexican and Salvadoran communities, I wouldn't be surprised if everyone in there was Salvadoran, or maybe Guatemalan. Anyhoo, the food was very tasty, and the menu was suprisingly friendly to vegetarians. I suppose that's why I had never checked it out before - trying to determine the ingredients of foreign foods from a server whose English is not great is frequently more of a drag than it's worth. AND, they have crazy things in jars for sale! Pickled tamarind? What is THAT like? I must be brave and get myself a jar next time Spooney and I venture in for a breakfast of pupusas and fried plantains and eggs.

2008-07-25 16:12:46
I just made myself so hungry. Damn.

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