
2008-07-17 01:21:35
Ooooh, I love me some Styx, although I love the 70s Styx and think they jumped the shark in the 80s, so I suspect we still differ on the whold subject of Styx. How can you not love "Suite Madam Blue"???!!! Eleventy-six different kinds of awesome!

2008-07-21 06:48:22
Kevin Cronin's hair seriously just made me nauseous. I challenge you to find a worse look from ANY era. I mean it. I'd rather look up a sick elephant's anus.

Beauty Junkie
2008-07-22 21:48:42
Don't forget, the guy from Night Ranger. I'm too tired to look up his name but he qualifies as well! Or so I think ;)

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