
2008-04-14 20:24:03
Don't forget to drink every time Bret says one of the following: "Hi-Ohhh!" (Pibb & I simply high-five each other on that one) "Cha-Ching!" or "Check please!" and TWO drinks for "Huhmina Huhmina" I still think Heather should have shown up in Cancun and thrown the other girls under the bus. Also, don't forget it's not over! The reunion show is next week!!

2008-04-14 20:57:09
Also - two drinks every time Brett says "Me likee."

2008-04-14 21:58:14
Man, there are times in life that make me really thank the good Lord for the fallibe yet stable mess I am. Holy crap those women make us all look like Mother Freakin' Theresa. I'm a little frightened at how uninique those tarts are. I'm even more frightened at how serious Bret and associates take it. Goodness.

Some Assembly Required
2008-04-15 20:39:21
The little snippets of this show that I see on The Soup are about all I can take, but I love reading your critiques.

2008-04-16 01:48:09
I'm a little frightened at how serious I take the show, Lynette. Also, KEV! How could I have forgotten "Me Likee?!?!?!" Thank you. One other thing: Did this season not sort of suck? I mean, I pegged Ambre winning about the 3rd episode in. Plus, no mention of diahbee-duhs! Sigh.

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