
2008-04-07 21:59:58
Where is the hell did that picture come from? I remember the hockey game, but we never had a carpet like sure that's you? Of course, it is, I know that...just don't know where the picture was taken...

2008-04-08 07:37:23
Errrr, Gramma and Grampa's house, wasn't it? I got this picture from Auntie Marge.

lj lindhurst
2008-04-08 15:03:35
I love how your mom is all, "WHERE THE HELL DID THAT PICTURE COME FROM?" hahaha!

2008-04-08 22:54:12
I have this strong urge to say "get your sticky hands off my new hockey game!"

2008-04-09 15:58:56
Bill - I'm frankly shocked that you let me anywhere near it.

2008-04-11 12:33:47
As long as you don't buy the matching handbag...

2008-04-14 22:13:41
Ah...that Filenes is now occupying what was once the HR department of my company. Odd, that. I work up in that thar building. Well, did. And do when I'm in Boston. Worked there for 21 yrs. And will probably come down with some rare form of incurable because of it. Happy shopping!

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