
2008-01-08 18:32:34
Anyone driving a BMW is a self-absorbed ass-munch & will drive as if the rules of the road do not apply to them. *This only goes for LA (don't know 'bout anywhere else)

2008-01-08 19:50:57
In Boston, I'd say it's anyone who drives a HUMMER. Why do you need a HUMMER if you live in the South End? Why? WHY?!

2008-01-08 21:43:55
If, when you were a young preschool age child, you ever picked your nose and wiped whatever you pulled out on the couch/carpet/etc, your children will do the same. Or worse, they will make sure they catch your eye and then eat it. (Kaleigh loves to do that.)

2008-01-08 22:38:47
Ok first off - in Texas, yah, it's the little biddy pageant moms who drive their precious loin fruit around in gi-normous Hummers. I understand the men driving their huge pickups - drive a phallus - got it. But these teeny Barbies just baffle me. As to your bulleted list: - First bullet - took the boys to BK tonight. You speaketh the trutheth. - Third bullet - you THINK?! Soon...I will have you. Oh I WILL have you...

2008-01-10 12:13:36
Here's mine: I have never met a single straight man who understood that drapes actually serve a purpose. Like, when it's dark outside, and you don't want people to look into your house, you can close them!

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