
2007-11-04 17:07:29
I miss Pop Up Video.

2007-11-04 20:48:32
I think they're being re-aired on VH1 Classic now and again.

2007-11-05 01:26:08
I remember staying up to the early morning hours to catch "Crossroads" in the mid-90s. As VH1 grew more conservative, they shunted untested (read: non-Alanis, Hootie or Blues Traveler) videos there, and it soon became *the* hour where you could be sure to see something interesting. Sadly, the days of excitedly reading rumors of new video premieres are long gone. I'd say 2000 was the last year the music video world seemed remotely viable or interesting.

lj lindhurst
2007-11-05 07:57:10
I have one word for you: SURVIVORMAN.

Poo Kay
2007-11-05 13:28:14
How the fuck do I email you from this goddam page? FUCK! I feel so dumb. PLease email me, ya bleedin'cuntwaffle. And yes, they ARE airing poop-up video on VH! classic!

2007-11-06 22:57:40
Ok, I love Gene Simmons' Family Jewels. I said that to a friend recently and she replied, "I don't know. It's too contrived." I was thinking, right. As opposed to all of those other "spontaneous" reality shows. Of course. But I will tell you, I watch it for Gene's son. Holy crap, I would sell my first born for one night with that boy. Damn. I don't know if it's his deep voice, his amazingly long legs or his humor. Oy.

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