
lj lindhurst
2007-07-16 11:00:52
You need to have a tag sale! I give you the following reasons: 1.) you will see your stuff go to people who are absolutely ga-ga about it (or at the very least need it). this is better than sending it to the no-man's land of the Salvation Army. 2.) you will make a TON of money (I don't have HALF the amount of stuff it sounds like you do, and last time we did it, we made like $300 easily) 3.) you will meet cool and/or crazy people on the street. Tag sales really bring out the crazies, especially if you start early in the morning.... 4.) you. will. get. rid. of. your. crap!

2007-07-16 16:18:16
My answer to the "purge or not to purge" question comes after the move. If stuff has been left in a box for more than two months, then clearly I don't need it.

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