
2007-06-11 21:46:49
That is so, so crappy. Sorry this happened to you. The fact that someone came into your office is so...violating. I was pickpocketed once here on the bus, but I got away easy. They got $20 in cash and charged $60 in transit tickets (which I got back from the bank) before I could cancel the credit card. In fact, some anonymous Samaritan mailed my wallet back to me with everything but the money and credit cards. The taking inventory/making photocopies advice is great.

2007-06-11 23:49:44
Fucking peasants. Sounds like you've got an infestation. Someone should spray.

2007-06-12 13:18:21
Sorry about your wallet, baby. Want to see some vid of my sister's new kitteh?

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