
2006-09-14 11:56:55
I hear ya, hon. It's all downhill from here. ;-) I can send you one of the 54 Tweezermans I keep buying because I'm too lazy to send them away for their free sharpening.... Anyway, have a happy!

2006-09-14 16:55:19
Funny you should mention that. I have chin hair on BOTH my chins....I totally waxed both of them today, and had to tweeze one of the thicker potential-pube-like hairs. UGH. I called my 40 year old sister, and we laughed about it...

2006-09-15 22:56:03
Yeah. Chin hair. I feel your pain. If it makes you feel better about about yourself, know this: I have found gray eyebrows. For chrissakes.

2006-09-15 22:56:30
Oh! And Happy Birthday!

2006-09-18 19:42:26
You only had to tweeze a chin hair NOW?? I've been tweezing out two pesky little shit hairs since I was in my mid 20s...

2006-10-05 20:42:19
It's October 5th... hello?

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