
2006-07-11 23:56:46
I love this so much. So. Very. Much. More, please.

2006-07-12 07:20:30
I think my favorite part is the paragraph break between "know" and "of." So edgy.

2006-07-12 07:58:59
It was my angsty, 24-year-old's attempt at a villanelle! I had to break the line there! It was all about the FORM, man. All about the FORM.

2006-07-12 12:20:27
HA HAH!! That is so awesome! I burned (yes, burned) all of my journals & notes back when I was a teenager because I knew that someday I would look back on the stuff I had written and make fun of my younger selve's angst. I was totally right. I wish I hadn't burned that stuff. I'm sure it was hysterical. Mr. Pibb has BOXES of old journals that he won't let me read because he's too embarrassed. I think there was a lot of stuff about the moon. You should totally post some of this stuff on the message board!

2006-07-15 01:08:28
Ooo.. Plath-esque.

2006-07-17 02:11:53
Oh, and you can find a poem I wrote when I was 13 or 14 here:

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