
gimpy old lady
2006-05-08 13:00:34
Sweetie, "people" have never been your problem...being around teeming throngs has always made you uncomfortable, but I'd hardly call you "asocial." I really think it is a "sensory" thing, not a dislike for humankind. A lot of us feel that way, we just kinda put it out of the way and not think about it...just get through it. See you soon...

2006-05-08 20:33:06
Yes. You are wrong. You are a very wrong person. Because you are bad. Always remember this. And know that you can never change it. To attempt to do so is an exercise in futility. (By the way, I hate crowds, too. Skipped Jazz Fest this weekend, despite fantastic line-ups of musicians, because I can't abide being jostled by thousands of strangers. Because I am bad. And wrong. And nothing I do will ever change my badness and wrongitude.)

Lexi Kahn
2006-05-19 17:01:30
So...I'll see you at the next Rock and Roll Social then?

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