
2005-09-20 01:49:45
God. I'm Prufrock and Other Observations! by T.S. Eliot
Though you are very short and often overshadowed, your voice is poetic and lyrical. Dark and brooding, you see the world as a hopeless effort of people trying to impress other people. Though you make reference to almost everything, you've really heard enough about Michelangelo. You measure out your life with coffee spoons.

How lame! Once when I was, like 15 or so someone told me I looked like T.S. Eliot! How horrible is that?!

Mike Burchett
2005-09-21 21:31:59
yeah, I Ulyseus, by Joyce. Let that one marinate for a bit.

2005-09-23 07:15:07
You're The Sound and the Fury! by William Faulkner Strong-willed but deeply confused, you are trying to come to grips with a major crisis in your life. You can see many different perspectives on the issue, but you're mostly overwhelmed with despair at what you've lost. People often have a hard time understanding you, but they have some vague sense that you must be brilliant anyway. Ultimately, you signify nothing. Okaaaaay..

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