
2005-01-14 13:05:33
Gotta tell ya, I unapologetically love the chick lit genre. I consider myself fairly intelligent, but there is something about it that just appeals to me. It must be that I was well into my thirties before meeting "Mr. Right," so I can relate to a lot of what these characters go through.

2005-01-14 13:14:57
I guess it just rubs me the wrong way. Must be all those pink and green graphics. They're the literary equivalent of the preppie kids who used to make fun of me in junior high. And, again, this is all coming from someone who reads AND enjoys Jackie Susann "novels," and as such must be taken with a huge bag of rock salt.

2005-02-05 21:22:15
My problem with those things is the chick is always rich and gorgeous, but convinced she's "fat" and cannot be a real person without a guy around. Makes me want to spit.

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