

Smile! Your email has been blocked!

"If you spit in the air, it lands in your face." -- Yiddish saying

Well, color me humbled. Lesson learned.

Previously, I had posted an entry about this completely stupid flamewar that I allowed myself to indulge in, under the misguided assumption that it would be kind of fun to allow a little online in-fighting into my life, despite having eschewed it several nights before in a conversation with my friend Joe. What I figured was all in good fun resulted in my being exhorted to "get a life," and in my email being blocked from the now unwilling participant's mail server.

Blocked. My goodness.

What can one say about being branded in such a fashion? Well, being blocked can be interpreted in one of two ways. 1) You're blocked because you're considered a threat, or 2) You're blocked because you're being a pain in the ass. In my case, I suspect -- no, I know -- that it's the latter scenario that caused Mr. Christian Death to pull the plug on my misguided attempt to be badassed. Because, surely, I'm about as menacing as Snoopy.

I'm chalking it up to karma. I try not to be pissy and negative in my writing, online or otherwise, and I allow a decent amount of self-deprecation to counter any pissiness I throw somebody else's way. But this time around, I said mean stuff to somebody, and got called on my shit accordingly. Is this an apology? Maybe. I still maintain that this person is a fraud and in need of attention (but then that can be said of anyone who has a personal site). It's more of a reminder of why I've heretofore always tried to avoid this kind of drama. Beating a dead horse, as it were, or continuing to belabor a point that wasn't even that important to begin with, does tend to signify a lack of a good hobby, or in my case, a "life," in the person who's doing the beating/belaboring. From now on, I keep my mouth shut.

lisamcc at 09:04:52

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