
Makin' Bacon.

It's Saturday evening, SpikeTV is airing all of the "Star Wars" movies back-to-back (It's the FORCE of July...get it?!) and I'm semi-nearly packed for our trip up nawth tomorrow.

(A caveat to our friends and family in the NH/ME area: it's not that we don't want to see you, it's just that we are taking this trip to have some "alone time," so please don't be offended if we don't swing by/call/what-have-you.)

But let's talk now for a second about bacon.

We went up to Portsmouth this past Thursday night for Mish's wedding. Mish and her now-husband are FOODIES. Like, don't even THINK about Cheesecake Factory/Applebee's/Outback Steakhouse hardcore FOODIES. I can only aspire to their level of foodie-ness. Whereas I might get a little creative with asparagus in the morning, they "just whip up" stuff that absolutely boggles the mind.

The reception was at The Dunaway Restaurant and featured a FIVE COURSE tasting menu. My God. I have never had a finer meal in my entire life (I say this with apologies to my vegetarian friends, many of whom are damn fine cooks). My friend Laura and I made sure to document each and every course, the fourth of which was duck:

That stuff that looks like confectioner's sugar? That is bacon. POWDERED BACON. Now, I consider myself somewhat up on food trends, but never had I heard of powdered bacon until I had it on Thursday night.

Powdered bacon. It's proof that the universe wants us to be happy.

Hell, whip me up some powdered bacon. I'd put it in a sugar shaker, and shake-shake-shake that shit onto everything. EVERYTHING. Waffles. Ice cream. Bacon. You betcha.

lisamcc at 8:39 p.m.

2 comments so far
2009-07-07 22:41:38

2009-07-08 02:13:06
A) I'm not offended that you didn't stop by. B) That looks amazing. I have to send a link to this to a friend of mine. We always exchange amazing bacon finds.

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