
The "King" Is Dead.

Yeah, so....

It's all over the news. It's all over Facebook. "OMG did u hear?"

And then there are the people waxing outraged that it's getting the face time that it is. There are more important things going on in the world. And there are. Of course there are. But you'll forgive me if I squeeze my two cents in before going back to worrying about Iran, Iraq, and the Real Housewives of New Jersey.

Let's try, for a second, to forget about Jesus Juice, the disintegrating face, and the fact that he had a kid named "Blanket."

This was all anyone could talk about the morning of May 17, 1983 at Central Junior High. And then "Thriller," my God. I had just turned 13. I won't front: I LOVED Michael Jackson. Let he who is without an embarrassing adolescent crush cast the first soulless, pretentious stone.

This was the one thing my sister and I could agree on back then. We'd hop on our bikes and head over to Erin's house. Erin's mom was never home, and Erin had a copy of "Thriller." We played it over and over and OVER. This was spring awakening. This was eighth grade. This was launching tampons into Erin's half-filled bathtub and screaming in horror. "I want to love you (PYT), Pretty Young Thing."

Michael Jackson would never again recapture the magic of that year, and neither would I, and not for lack of trying.

There was such insanity and tragedy later on. At the end of the day, the people closest to him either couldn't, or wouldn't, give him the help he so desperately needed. It's a horrible, HORRIBLE story. That's all I'm going to say.

lisamcc at 8:49 p.m.

5 comments so far
2009-06-26 13:12:45
Well said. To that, I ad "ditto." Minus the part about throwing tampons into the bathtub.

Some Assembly Required
2009-06-26 14:34:15
I always preferred Off the Wall, but that might be because the first music I can remember in our house is Motown (Supremes, Temptations, Jackson 5, Smokey & the Miracles) and I've always felt OTW was closer to MJ's roots.

2009-06-27 04:21:14
Everyone seems to remember the "moonwalk" but I remember as a kid spending much more time trying to master that whole jumping up onto your toes thing.

missi williams
2009-06-28 15:49:26
you painted perfet picture... Thanks

2009-06-30 10:14:13
In 9th grade I'd show up to Hull High wearing a red jacket and a white glove I had sewn rhinestones all over. Like I needed any more help in the ass-kicking department...don't even get me started on the Duran Duran inspired pleather pants. RIP MJ.

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