

People ask me why I haven't watched "American Idol" in over 6 years.

That would be why.

This made Foot Foot go and hide under my dresser just now. I shit you not.

Give me Daisy de la Hoya and her House of Dumbfuckery any day, EVEN IF she jettisoned the Striplets because they weren't "there for Daisy" (and being "there for Daisy" is sort of like admitting you're "there for the crabs," innit?).

"Ja. We share EVERYTHING....even GULLS."


lisamcc at 7:56 a.m.

2 comments so far
2009-05-07 19:11:08
Oh my goodness. On both counts! I had heard a snippet of that scream. Whew! Dang. That's just horrendous. And those 3 Swedes! Makes me glad my ancestors are from Switzerland. "We like duh skanky girls" and "American girls have style...we don't like that" reaffirmed this sentiment. How do you find these gems?

2009-05-07 21:35:50
I've been thinking about it, and I would like to officially request MORE CUTE FOOT FOOT PICTURES. Lance was singing the Foot Foot song the other day and I remembered I meant to ask this. Please?

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