
My last day in Oregon...

This is it. My last full day in Oregon. We have to check out of the hotel by noon, but we don't have to be at the airport until 10pm or so (for what I'm certain will be a hellacious "red eye" flight to NYC). We have the rental car until 6pm, which leads me to believe that we'll actually be spending quite a bit of quality time at the aforementioned airport.

I took loads of pictures on this trip, but I can't be assed to download them yet. I'll post a full travelogue in the coming days, but for now here are some thoughts:

Hood River is lovely. The Vagabond kicks ass.

What I really want to do, though, next time, when it's just me and the houseboy and there are no familial obligations, is spend most of the time at Cannon Beach, which was completely awesome, even though much of the "shopping" to be had consisted of little shops full of ceramic angels and glittery crap and dreamcatchers made in China.

Monday was my 38th birthday. I spent part of it at Magic Gardens with my cousins Mike and Shawn. Hooray for boobies!

You shore got a lotta vintage stores in Portland. Vintage stores, and tittay bars. Bless your hearts, Portland.

I miss my kitty. I'm dreading going back to work.

lisamcc at 12:46 p.m.

3 comments so far
2008-09-16 17:24:48
Happy Birthday Lees! Give Foot Foot a kiss on his little face for me. I think I might love him from afar.

2008-09-16 22:35:21
Today's your birthday? Happy birthday! Portland is a great city and the Oregon coast is just stunning. Also, I meant to tell you before, but your cat is adorable.

lj lindhurst
2008-09-17 15:25:51
happy birthday!!!!!

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