
I put my crankypants on one leg at a time...

Since I am not planning on reproducing, I've taken it upon myself to be the "weird aunt" (vastly preferable to the "drunk aunt," but also not quite the "cool aunt"). I do not have my own critters to torture and torment, so I must torment my siblings' critters. A couple of the older ones have gotten wise to this, and just give me withering looks, but there's still much fun to be had with Kaleigh.

Kaleigh is 3 1/2 going on 14. She's cute as a pail of puppies, but fresh as paint and ornery as hell. The orneriness is, in part, genetic (my nickname as a child was "Little Chief Big Mouth"), but in Kaleigh's case it also stems out of necessity, or rather -- better -- SURVIVAL. I do not entirely exaggerate when I say that she was just a shade bigger than a pack of cigarettes at birth. So she has had to assert herself, and assert herself she does.

The other day I was messing with her: "Hey, Kales -- are you being a CRANKYPANTS?"

A wave of utter outrage washed over her wee cherub face. "NO! I'm NOT bein' a CRANKYPANTS!"
"Ohhhhh, so you're a SASSYPANTS?"
"Well...OKAY...except I think that maybe you ARE a sassypants, probably."

Later on we were playing "Monster" (which entails my chasing her and her twin brother around the house whilst growling and hollering like a black bear) and, when my back was turned, Kaleigh yelled "Hiii-YAH!" and karate-chopped me in the ass.

I totally had it coming.

lisamcc at 8:23 p.m.

2 comments so far
2007-12-19 02:21:27
You DID totally have it coming.

2007-12-19 09:34:53
Yeah, I know what you mean...we arrived yesterday and it's been pretty much as you described. Chloe is so much the "grownup" in the group, Dunc is Dunc, laid back and happy...then here comes Kaleigh. But it's funny, you know, she can be very very affectionate...when it's the right time, that is.

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