
Question for the ladies...

So I've just about completed the first full month on the new birf contwol (Kariva). The hope is that I'll see decreased formation of fibroadenomas (y'know, like the superball-sized one that caused all the problems this summer).

Contrary to all the horror stories I filled up on, I am happy to report that I have not gained an ounce, and I didn't break out any more than usual. I was quite convinced that I'd revert to my thirteen-year-old self, so in that regard the news is good.

But, er, here's the question for any of you girls currently on Kariva (or Mircette, or Yasmin, or MarySueBethEllen): does this stuff make you MENTAL or what? Because it's been like full-on insane crying-at-pet-food-commercials PMS....ALL month long.

Now, granted, this has also been a month of unprecedented bitchery and abomination. In the past 30 days I've moved, had a mammogram, had a biopsy, lost a family member, and I won't even get into the shit I'm dealing with at work. It's entirely possible that my emotional state has nothing to do with the birf contwol, and everything to do with circumstances.

But I am curious as to whether or not I can expect another month of getting weepy over shitty episodes of "Cold Case," no matter what else October may or may not bring.

lisamcc at 8:43 a.m.

4 comments so far
lj lindhurst
2007-10-03 09:53:10
Well, I was about to cry and fly into a murderous rage if they played that ad for Cold Case with the goddammned KATE BUSH SONG in it ONE MORE TIME!! argh! but I'm on Yaz, and I haven't been any more or less bitchy and emotional than I was without it. And I'm a good person to ask because my PMS is AWFUL, and I actually went OFF my b.c. for a couple of months just to see if it improved. No improvement, no difference. but I'm sure it's different from woman to woman, so who the hell knows... you could just be extra-tired.

2007-10-03 10:56:05
I've been on Ortho Tri-Cyclen, Yasmin, and a couple others in the past two years. When I wasn't falling head first down the tree of emotions and having every branch smack me along the way, I was hopelessly, irrationally angry. Like throwing dishes at my husband because he said he wasn't hungry (How dare he! I spent so long on dinner!). A couple gynies said birth control wouldn't mess with my emotions like that, and a couple said they would. I'm working on alternate methods of birth control and period regulation/decreasing pain. So far it all pretty much blows, but nobody will just rip my damn uterus out. Jerks.

2007-10-03 18:55:58
I think I'm even crazier while on the "placebo" pills. I was ready to break out the DVD of "The King & I" and just watch the ending. Let the bawlfest begin!

2007-10-06 14:03:34
I was totally fine on TriLev in college. I went off it for awhile, then tried to go back? And I was insane. I had no self-control at all and so I absolutely shitcanned the stuff. No way, I need my composure. I'm researching IUD's now.

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