
Porn Dentist

Among the benefits of working with my gay boyfriend are the little heart-to-heart chats we have in the morning. In the topsy-turvy world of nonprofit arts management, one needs that emotional ballast. I find that a few minutes in the morning with my gay boyfriend set the tone for the rest of my day.

Today, for example, after skimming over today�s headlines and good-naturedly berating each other for our choices in footwear, out of the blue he says something about a �porn dentist.�

�Beg pardon?�
�I didn�t tell you about that?�

Turns out that he used to go to a dentist who advertised in the local gay newspaper. He figured, well � support yer own and all. I guess he was a pretty decent dentist; it�s just that one day it was discovered that there were pictures of this dentist getting fisted on the interwebz. And, really, what do you do with that knowledge? I suppose all things considered, if your teeth and gums are in good shape, it shouldn�t much matter what your dentist is doing in his or her spare time, whether it�s supporting the Republicans or getting fisted (really rather the same thing, I know).

It�s just been hard maintaining a professional demeanor today. Trying to have a discussion about stock transfer instructions while thinking �porn dentist getting fisted on teh internets� and not becoming incontinent with laughter�.it�s a challenge, truly.

lisamcc at 4:59 p.m.

1 comments so far
2007-06-27 19:23:14
Okay, dentist getting fisted is one thing; but if he had been doing the fisting, he wouldn't get his hands anywhere near my mouth, latex gloves or no.

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