
Being and nothingness.

Came home this afternoon to find an envelope from the RMV. Inside was my replacement ID.

This is a wonderful thing. Wonderful because with this lovely little laminated card, I can now go to my bank, fill out the appropriate paperwork to have my account UNfrozen, get a new ATM card, and stop having to borrow money for coffee. Because even though I've been with the same bank since I was TEN YEARS OLD, I still have to have properly-issued identification in order to access my money.

It's good also because I was really starting to feel adrift, with only my work swipe card and my MBTA pass in my dinky little Eeyore wallet. It's like taking baby steps towards reclaiming my identity, to say nothing of the freedom of being able to BUY MY OWN FUCKING COFFEE. Honest to God, you have no idea how grateful I am for this.

I am so buying a new wallet on Monday. And I'm going to buy a feedbag, fill it with fresh-ground Verona� and sit at my desk munching contentedly like an old mare at a petting zoo. Jesus H., I am going to be the happiest kid in the sandbox.

lisamcc at 7:32 p.m.

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