
Egyptian Goddess.

I'm in the throes of the Red Death today, chickens. At the risk of grossing out and alienating you dudes out there - I'm afraid I don't menstruate very well. I get very anemic, break out in honking neon zits all over my chin, and suffer incapacitating cramps which require me to take rather strong painkillers, which in turn render me sleepy and stupid for a good day or two. And I cry at the stupidest things. Like, commercials and shit. I really believe that I should be sent away to live in a hut once a month, like the Shasta. I would be so totally down with that.

So, in an effort to try and perk myself up a little, I picked out something pretty (and decidedly loose-fitting) to wear, and went to my tray of fragrances various and sundry, thinking that a little "aromatherapy" might help. Now, in recent years, I've become something of a perfume snob, having decided that I'm a little too old to be doing the Bath & Body Works thing, and as such have accumulated a collection of "grown-up" scents in pretty bottles. I'm partial to those in the "white floral/musk" family, but will flirt with citrus now and then.

I digress. Hidden behind the large bottles of prohibitively expensive stinky stuff was a wee little roll-on that I'd purchased some time ago:

I used to wear this in high school. The "Egyptian Goddess" scent, to be exact. I was poking around in some random shop, looking at cheap shoes and knockoff handbags, when I saw the little display on one of the counters. I saw that "Egyptian Goddess" was still part of the line, and opened the tester. BAM! I was immediately transported back to 1986, and I very nearly wept from the nostalgia (and no, I wasn't on the rag at the time). I didn't think twice about buying it, and gurgled happily to the girl ringing it up, "I can't believe they still make this! It reminds me sooooo much of high school!"

She could not have been more disinterested.

No matter. I brought it home, but then promptly forgot about it until this morning. Now I'm sitting here sniffing my wrists every 2 minutes and listening to Clan of Xymox and weepily wondering who will ask me to the prom.

If anyone wants to take me to that hut, I'm ready to go.

lisamcc at 10:34 a.m.

2 comments so far
2006-07-27 11:21:03
Jovan Musk Oil is like my time machine straight back to 1979. And like you, I recently bought a bottle just for the pure nostalgic kick of it. It takes me right back to Funkytown, baby.

2006-07-26 10:29:54
Take you to that hut? I'm ready to build it for you.

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