
YouTube Has Ruined Me.

My life has been utterly ruined by YouTube.

I thought we were doing such a great thing by shitcanning the cable, chickens. A great thing - nay - a noble thing, since I was spending way too many evenings flipping through hundreds of channels looking for that elusive "something to watch."

For a time, it was good. Books got read. Laundry got done. I felt like I was accomplishin' stuff. I thought, "Here I was convinced that my evenings would sprawl before me, vast and terrible, without my being able to watch '100 Most Humiliating Inadvertent Thong Shots' on VH-1. This is not bad at all!"

And then came YouTube. Fuckin'.

YouTube is actually ten times more insidious than cable, because I can go on there with the pretense of "research" and then spend HOURS watching little streaming bits of internerd flotsam. Want to watch soundless footage of Jon King beating the shit out of a microwave oven at the Gang of Four show I was at last spring? No problem! Got a hankering for maddeningly watchable Japanese Rube Goldberg-esque perpetual motion machines? Sure thing! How about that Throwing Muses video you haven't seen since you were a senior in high school? By God - there it is!

Ruined, chickens. Ruined.

lisamcc at 9:10 p.m.

2 comments so far
2006-04-17 17:24:16
I tried getting rid of my cable, but then I just spent all night watching network tv. (shudder)

gimpy old lady
2006-04-17 09:09:02
You got me hooked on those damned Japanese machines...the music is mesmerizing. I only allow myself 10 minutes then I sign off. Otherwise, I could watch them all day. "Thanks" a bunch...like I need another compulsive habit. See you soon!!

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