
Kirstie Alley is mad at Rolling Stone

Kirstie Alley is mad at Rolling Stone.

In the Letters Section of the latest issue:

"Shame on you, Rolling Stone, for your slam piece on Scientology. Rolling Stone has been my favorite magazine since college, but come on � religion-bashing for the sake of sales? Yikes, dudes � your cool factor just dropped to Reader's Digest."

First of all, let's just gloss over the fact that Alley, who's closer to that other side of 50 than she'd probably care to admit, uses the word "dudes" in utter seriousness.

I love how these Scientologists only remove their tongues from L. Ron Hubbard's long-dead tailpipe to accuse some show/magazine/media outlet of "religious intolerance/religion bashing" when it's SCIENTOLOGY that's taking the hit.

Because, now, where was Kirstie's outrage when they did that Kanye West cover a bunch of weeks ago? Wasn't that "religion bashing," too? Yikes, Kirstie, why weren't you penning your outraged epistle then as well?

Oh, that's right....she was busy cashing her Jenny Craig� checks.

Which reminds me...riddle me this - if Scientology is so fucking great, and if ridding yourself of pesky body thetans is supposed to render you "clear" of any negative or addictive behavior patterns, how is it that Alley needed to jump on that Jenny Craig� bandwagon to begin with? Aren't there, like, vitamins or something you can take to keep you from wanting to consume your weight in eclairs? Seriously. I think they even have a program called the "Don't Consume Your Weight In Eclairs Rundown." You're made to sit in a sauna, take vitamins, and not consume your weight in eclairs.

Unless perhaps she misunderstood the whole concept of ridding one's self of the aforementioned thetans and ATE THEM INSTEAD.

Scientologists are funny.

lisamcc at 8:26 p.m.

2 comments so far
2006-04-03 19:16:25
Lisa, I found this blog. I thought that you might enjoy it: Geoffrey Chaucer Hath a Blog: http://houseoffame.blogspot.com/

2006-04-03 19:52:40
Ha ha ha ha HA! Brilliant!

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