
My-ah- HA HA!

"I really hope you don't ever get another staph infection, Lees," my brother informed me yesterday, in regards to my last entry.

"Aw, so you remember that?" My brother is eight years older than I am, and was well outta Dodge by the time I was felled by this particularly nasty problem. I was touched that he remembered, really, seeing how he had his own stuff to deal with back then.

"Yeah, you know, I vaguely remember something being up with you -- AGAIN -- but it's just....man, I don't need to be reading about that. Ever. That was just...ick...that was gross."

"Aw, that's too bad, because I was all set to write about the OTHER staph infection I had in college!"

In other news, I am completely obsessed with a ditty called "Dragostea Din Tei." Of course, there's a backstory. There's ALWAYS a backstory, chickens.

On Friday, someone brought this delightful young man to my attention, and I must say, he charmed my socks off. Since my mama taught me to SHARE, I promptly forwarded the clip to some pals, introducing the star as my "new boyfriend." Proving once again that you just never can tell what some people are gonna respond to, Mark announced that he "loved the song," and then inquired: "Do you have any idea what it is?"

Now, far be it from me to turn down a challenge, particularly when it allows me to show off my dope mad google skillz. I found the song -- nay -- I found the VIDEO, and I cannot stop watching it. It just fills me with a palpable, insane joy. I've watched it three times already today.

Feel the love, chickens.

lisamcc at 1:46 p.m.

1 comments so far
2005-02-07 15:56:03
Wow...the video's kind of like a Romanian "Take On Me." And even before the first link loaded, I'd easily guessed the identity of your pretend internet boyfriend.

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