
Pretty in Puke

Anyone who knows me fairly well knows my all-consuming, ever-lovin' passion for this movie:

Isn't She?

It's no secret that I've probably seen this movie well over eleventy-seven billion times since it came out, and goddamn if it just does not EVER get boring.

For many of us "thirtyesque" women who had vaguely alternative leanings in adolescence, a yardstick of sorts is whether you'd have gone for long-suffering, ever-loyal Duckie or the quiet, sensitive-yet-rich kid Blaine. I was a Blaine girl, myself. I had plenty of Duckies in high school, most of whom wanted to do my hair. Mmhmm. I loved me some Blaine in that movie.

So you chickens can imagine my shock when I read this story.

If you're not the type to go clicking on links, turns out that this performance that so moved me was basically just Andrew McCarthy acting on autopilot, with an enormous hangover.


I just don't know what to make of that, chickens. Being sober now myself, I can certainly relate to the vertiginous, wretching horror of being irredeemably hungover on the job, but you know, at the same time, it's pretty fucking funny.

That vaguely bewildered look on his face throughout the whole film now makes total sense. It's probably 10 in the morning, he's so hungover he can feel it in his back molars, and Molly Ringwald is screaming in his face.

"What about PROM, Blaine?!!"


Really, this revelation absolutely merits another viewing. Knowing now that Andrew McCarthy was green in the gills through the whole thing certainly puts a new spin on it, eh wot?

"Is he gonna puke on my shoes?"

Who wants to come over and watch it with me?

lisamcc at 6:35 p.m.

7 comments so far
2004-05-12 19:51:45
I do, I do!! Hot damn, I love that movie.

2004-05-12 23:24:29
Me, too! Me, too!

2004-05-13 07:41:43
Sadly, you need to be registered to read news on that page. I am already overwhelmed with various degrees of spam that I do not, at this time, want to register my email address on yet another website. Can you copy the text and email it to me?

2004-05-13 09:40:23
While I am a "Sixteen Candles" gal myself, I too adore "Pretty in Pink." Count me in on the repeat viewing!

2004-05-17 08:43:30
i wanna come tooooooo!!!! when?

2004-05-17 18:14:25
According to my 1985 copy of Tiger Beat's STAR! magazine, Dweezil Zappa and Molly Ringwald (they were an item back in the day) were "working together on 'Pretty in Pink' which will be released sometime next year..." Could it be that Dweezil was the original Blaine but somehow got replaced by Andrew McCarthy? I know, I know, Tiger Beat ain't exactly The London Times, but it does give one pause...

2004-05-17 19:20:38
Actually, Dweezil IS in "Pretty In Pink," albeit very briefly (the scene in the club where Ringwald is asking her pals if they'd ever consider dating someone with money). He's the one who says "kiss his ass" in response to the question: "What would you do if your father suddenly became a rich man?" Christ almighty. Listen to me. Someone kill me.

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