

I've been up to my armpits with work stuff for the last week or so.....total insanity. And I guess you could say that I was feeling some pressure to....reward myself somehow....

I went to Claire's.

I know that in the past, my little excursions have been more -- shall we say -- "high end," the last trip to Sephora culminating in a $50.00 bottle of Fracas.

(OK - an aside about Fracas. Several months ago I decided that I was far too old to still be doing the ol' "Bath & Body Works" scent-layering system, and after some research, decided that Fracas was the way to go. This decision has thus proven to be the correct one: at a fundraiser held by my place of employment, Ron Rifkin stopped in front of me on the way into the ballroom and asked me what perfume I was wearing. Chickens, read into that what you will.)

Last week, though, I was just completely shredded and tired....and I knew Sephora was just going to make me feel worse somehow....all them bright lights and giant mirrors making my pores and eyebrow stubble glaringly apparent....nope, couldn't deal.

So I went to Claire's, which isn't usually a good idea either, since I'm usually the oldest person in there by at least 15 years. It's true; I feel like a convicted felon in Claire's, but I too have needs.

If you haven't been to Claire's lately, you must needs check this shit out. They've got this line of candy-and-snack-themed cosmetics, and I bought me a tube of Hostess Cupcake-flavored lipgloss. So sticky, sweet, and thoroughly disgusting. I gob it on and walk around the office doing these Billy Idol lip curls so I can smell the stuff. It made me so totally happy, I can't tell you, and it cost me less than 3 bucks.

lisamcc at 7:13 p.m.

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