
Cosby Sweaters

So late last night, sugared up to the nines on Dum-Dums, I was sitting on my couch and thinking about band names, thinking -- in particular -- that The Cosby Sweaters would be a pretty fucking hilarious name for a band. I went to sleep, thinking myself quite the clever little spore indeed.

This morning, out of curiosity, I did a Google on this phrase and whelped the following link.

This is, depending on my mood, either completely brilliant or totally fucked up.

I have to say, I was a little disappointed to learn that A) clearly I'm not as clever as I thought, and B) I cannot now, in good conscience, create yet another semi-fictional band simply because the name is funny.

And, really, what else could The Cosby Sweaters be other than these two young fellows? Even in my wildest flights of fancy, mentally assembling what I think would be the perfect group of musicians just insane enough to find humor in the mere thought of being in a band called The Cosby Sweaters, could I have nailed the very essence of such a thing the way these lads have.

So many levels, chickens, so many levels....

lisamcc at 2:18 p.m.

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