
Jet Jaguar!

So, here's a little something about fuckin' Shari that I didn't know: she's got the mad, mad Godzilla Love. See, this is the kind of shit you learn only from reading other people's diaries. I see Shari at least once a week, and always, the talk is about makeup and people we don't like, usually in that order.

A woman who has the mad, mad Godzilla Love is a rare and beautiful thing. Fact.

Me, I own all the Toho Godzilla movies. Don't even get me started on that piece of crap that came out a few years ago. Didn't see it; don't want anything to do with it.

Here's my big thing, though: Jet Jaguar.

hubba hubba!

Jet Jaguar, blatant Ultraman ripoff and key player in the baffling Godzilla Vs. Megalon.

Call me sick, but Jet Jaguar just does it for me. I also will admit to being turned on by the Styx "Mr. Roboto" video.

I even have an 8" Jet Jaguar action figure from Japan; it cost me a bloody fortune, but there you have it. The mad, mad Godzilla Love knows no boundaries, monetary or otherwise.

lisamcc at 9:22 p.m.

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