
Hall & Oates, Pt. 2

So my latest obsession - Hall & Oates - is not going unappreciated by my fellow cast members.

In case you're just tuning in, last week I had a minor epiphany in the seasonal goods aisle of CVS, where I had the good fortune of walking in just as a Hall & Oates song was burbling over the store's PA system.

It's been a downward spiral ever since.

Now Bo and I are giddily planning our Hall & Oates tribute band. We've pretty much kept this between the two of us, because you just never know how people are gonna react when the image of Daryl Hall's gleaming 80's pompadour rears its head. So we've basically squirreled ourselves away in the back of the theatre every night, sneaking nips of whiskey and reciting all the lyrics from Rock and Soul, Pt. 1, while giggling away over our perceived cleverness like the obnoxious, neurotic little shits that we are.

Last night we had a delayed first act, due to some problems with the sound system. A bunch of us were in a holding pattern, hanging out towards the back of the orchestra section and shooting the breeze, when Bo all of sudden had a spasm, and bleated: "...what I wantchoo got an' it might be HARRRD to HANDLE," whereupon we were convulsed afresh, weaving into each other and cackling, much to the bewilderment of our fellow cast members.

"Holy shit," Gary said, "are you singing Hall & Oates, dude?"

"Uh, yeah..."

"I love Hall & Oates!"

"Really?" I squeaked, "�Cause...'cause me an' Bo are gonna have a tribute band!"

It was as if somebody opened the floodgates - everyone in the room began breathlessly extolling the virtues of Hall & Oates, recommending favorite tracks and gleefully shrieking the more well-known lyrics. I never felt closer to a bunch of actors before.

The only person not having any of it, in fact, was John, who good-naturedly grimaced at us for about ten minutes until he could take no more, and proceeded to climb over three or four rows to get away from us.

"Awwww, John, where you goin'?"

"You people are crazy. I want nothing to do with you."

"Awwww, come back, John - we'll stop..."

"I thought this was Boston ROCK Opera, you guys."

"Awwww, we're sorry, John."

"Yeah, we're sorry."

"We'll sing something from Aqualung, if you want..."

lisamcc at 21:09:27

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