
Blah, cont.

I sort of half-way expected, after yesterday's tirade, to find my mailbox stuffed to the gills with every annoying chain email currently in circulation. Your collective ability to avoid taking the obvious route comforts me.

I swear to God I will tell you all about the slumber party. It deserves as detailed a write-up as I can provide; it's just that I'm still feeling a little hollowed-out and weakish. About the only foodstuffs that sound palatable (and stay down) are plain toasted bagels, skim milk, and rice. White, bland, unthreatening....the culinary equivalent of Justin Timberlake. Tasty.

I would like to know if any of my girls out there are feeling as crappy as I am. I hate to think that I am such a wuss that a full evening of pizza, wine coolers, and pornography has reduced me to such a state. Somebody tell me that there's just a bug or something goin' around, and that I am not, as I'm beginning to suspect, Too Old For This Crap. How about it? Jess? Paula? Linda? Any of y'all feeling like somebody shoved a sweatsock in your mouth while you were asleep?

lisamcc at 17:35:42

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