
Post-Audit Meltdown

It's Friday. The audit is almost over.

I'm so happy I could weep.

This week has been most taxing (pun intended) on my poor little brain. I have neglected my friends horribly, by more or less failing to respond to their emails and requests for my weekend/evening plans. So Rich, Paula, Jess -- you have my most sincere apologies. I have been trapped in a churning, vertiginous financial vortex for the past 4 days, rendering me a terse and infrequent correspondent, nearly incapable of relating to my Real Life� companions, and when next you see me, I will buy you a highball.

Here at work we've reached critical mass. Those of us who are directly involved with said audit are really showing all the warning signs of imminent meltdown. Yesterday someone passed through my office wearing mouse ears, yelling, "This is an audit, people; you all need to grow up and start taking this shit more seriously."

Interestingly enough, she's not in today.

As for me, I'm hanging by a gossamer thread, here. I'm this close to crawling under my desk with a bottle of Jim Beam and making "b-b-b-b-b-b-b" noises until I slide mercifully into a whiskey-induced coma, dreaming right-brain dreams of a world where phrases like In Functional Currency and Net Change and Ending Balance never rear their foul, reptilian heads. I am singularly ill-equipped to deal with this much logic and precision on a day-to-day basis, and were it not for the fact that I do have the option of retreating to the cool, dark, velvety core of the theater proper when it all gets to be too much, I'd be on a rooftop somewhere, cackling giddily while dropping full rolls of adding machine tape onto the heads of random passerby.

My personal finances are a mess. The pizza delivery guy knows me by name, asks after Kev, notices when the foyer's been repainted. Tuesday I went out and blew close to thirty bucks on animal-print ankle socks. I am not exactly being frugal, but I have really cute socks.

lisamcc at 16:12:00

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