
The New Baby

So I'm sitting here in front of the television, watching Morning Blend on MSNBC and typing out this entry on...(drum roll, puh-leeze)...our new iBook! Oh, Lordy. This thing is so cute, I just want to prattle and coo at it; every time I walk in the living room and see it there in "sleep mode," it's all I can do to not tippy-toe around it: shhh -- the baby's sleepin'. It does present an interesting situation for me and Kev: bringing the new baby home, spending lots of time with the new baby that doesn't crash, freeze or perform "fatal exceptions" -- aware that we are ignoring the PC toddler. It's terrible. But I'll get over it. Awww, it just beeped at me...

lisamcc at 14:52:26

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