
Stale potato salad

No chintzy graphic today. I'm sorry.

It's a stale day. Or at least I suspect it is. Haven't been outside all day, and it's nearly 6 pm. Shame on me.

Party at la Casa de Krebstar yesterday, which naturally is the reason I'm out of commission today. I do remember a casual discussion about last week's VH-1 movie about The Monkees which nearly caused a full-blown sissy fight between Jess and myself, Jess having decided that Mike Nesmith is evil incarnate, Mike Nesmith being my fave rave.

Then I broke a bowl full of potato salad and was plagued with guilt for the rest of the evening, which Rick played into by spinning a richly convoluted yarn about how this particular bowl had held potato salad since it came over on the Mayflower. Ha ha.

lisamcc at 21:55:10

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