


I'm regressing.

I mean, even more so than usual.

Basically, I have had a very stressful past few weeks, for varied reasons, none of which I'll go into here.

"But this is your diary," some of you may cry, "Surely your diary is for the chronicling of your inner turmoils and stuff?"

Not this diary, chickens, not this diary.

I come home, weepy and exhausted, replaying stupid little mistakes on permaloop� in my head until I collapse on the bed, having convinced myself that I am the Stupidest Person Who E'er Walked The Boards. The cat, concerned, headbutts me and makes little snuffling noises in my ear: snf snf snf...BONK!...snf snf snf...BONK! I wipe my nose on her fur. "Oh, Whitey. Whiteybutt. Whitischk Babooshka. You love me, dontcha? You're the best sweetest kitty. You understand me. Yessss you do. You're my Kittyfriend. Yessss you are."

I look up from the bed towards my bureau. I see my collection of gumball machine prizes, still in their bright little plastic bubbles. Then I see my limp little uninflated balloon that I got in a vending machine in the Ladies' Room at Dick's Last Resort: when inflated, it shows a happy little naked guy saying "Thanks for the BJ!!!" That makes me laugh.

I feel better, so I decide to put on my Eggo� pajamas. I stand in front of the mirror and grope at my front, yelling "L'Eggo My EGGOS!" Then, feeling eccentric as all get-out, I march into the computer room and admire my Godzilla toys. Hi, Godzilla! Oh, Mechagodzilla -- how dusty we've let you become! I coo over them until I reach my Pride and Joy, my imported 8" Jet Jaguar action figure. He's so sexy, that Jet Jaguar. Sexy in that Dennis DeYoung, Mr. Roboto kind of way.

At this point, I've completely forgotten that I came home in a bad mood...

lisamcc at 15:13:06

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