
Panic on the streets of Boston


Well, it's snowing. A lot. I'm at work, having no real excuse to beg off, since I'm a ten-minute T ride away, and I take the seemingly invincible Orange Line, ever impervious to bouts of foul weather.

I'm a little panicky today, primarily because I'm facing having to coordinate a massive software conversion within the next few months and it's getting more and more difficult to push the inevitable to the back of my brain. Ultimately, I think it will turn out fine, and I may just emerge from the entire situation ulcer-free. That's really all I can ask for at this point. I also have a good quote to fall back on when my palms start to sweat over this, or anything else I'm freaking about: "The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure." -- Joseph Campbell. Hell, yeah, Joe -- bring it on!

Um, but am I allowed to bring my blankie with me?

lisamcc at 11:22:43

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