


So I re-read yesterday's entry and I thought, "Damn, but I'm a Grumpy Gussie, yes?" The thing is, is that I wish I could find peace in platitudes. I wish I could sit on the subway with a copy of Chicken Soup for the Tortured Soul and a) derive some kind of meaning from it, or at the very least, b) not be painfully aware of how desperate I must look reading something like that.

Seriously. I'm amazed that stores like "Successories" do such a booming business, with their "Attitude is a Little Thing that makes a Big Difference" mousepads and paperweights. In Lisa's Perfect World (registered trademark), bookstores would devote more shelf space to Contemporary and Classic Drama, or Current Events, than gooey, mealy-mouthed feel-good "self-help" slapdashery such as the aforementioned Chicken Soup series.

I know, I know what a grouch I am. I really do. But when confronted with a point-of-purchase dump trumpeting the "encouraging and empowering" life philosophies of Suzanne Somers (let's don't even get into the poetry of Jewel), I have to wonder what fat-assed marketing whiz is yanking the collective chains of people so miserable that they'll buy Daily Affirmation Calendars for their desks.

Repeat after me: there's nothing wrong with being in a bad mood.

lisamcc at 16:58:45

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