

This, in a word, sucks. I have no idea who's going around signing other people's guestbooks under my name, but whoever you are -- cut the shit. If you're too much of a coward to not use your real identity when flaming someone else, make up a name, asshole. People like this are pathetic. Seriously. I have no idea what I did or said to Mr. or Miss Flamer. Probably nothing. Likely it's some bored, unimaginative little turd who thinks it's totally funny to start fights between strangers. And the thing is, this person utterly failed at sounding like me. But at least it can spell.

On the other hand, maybe I'm looking at this all wrong. Maybe this is a sign that I've made it, Ma! I've succeeded in becoming such an online celebrity that people out there are trying to stir shit up using my name! Like I've become this minor Diaryland deity that the masses are trying to discredit! Well, close me with a twist tie and leave me on the curb for morning pickup! I don't know whether to continue being pissed or move on to being downright flattered...

lisamcc at 4:20 p.m.

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