
Anemia means never having to say you don't know why you're so tired.

So as it turns out, I DID get a call from my doctor and there IS something wrong with me.

Hellllooooo anemia!

This explains why I've been so damn tired lately. I was chalking that up to all the stress I've been dealing with for the last couple of months. It's probably more likely that the stress led to the anemia.

So I'm on supplements, I have to eat better, and I get to go visit the Russians in September to surrender more of my blood. Good times.

lisamcc at 7:37 a.m.

1 comments so far
2009-06-10 14:43:56
Well that's good news. I mean, in that A) at least you have an answer for your tiredosity, B) it's nice and easily treated and C) you get to go back to get stuck by the Russians!

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