
Best Day Ever.

I have tomorrow off. Actually, it's Tuesday now, so I have the rest of today off.

I'm going to SLEEP IN. Until, like, 8. Mainly because I am physically unable to sleep later than that. I hate to say it, but I'm sort of a morning person now. I'm crankier and meaner than a rat in a coffee can, but I'm fully awake.

OK, so once I'm up, I'm probably going to get some zillion-calorie brick of butter and sugar at Canto 6, read the newspaper, and then go get me a pair of prescription sunglasses. If the weather is nice, I'll go sit on the Common and watch the male pigeons attempt to hump the female pigeons, who are always so thoroughly unimpressed it's sort of hilarious.

And have I mentioned I'm going to see my boyfriend? No? It's true. I'm going to be SO CLOSE that I could practically jump onstage and hump his leg.

Yeah, so, assuming I don't get hit by a bus, this is probably going to be the BEST DAY EVER.

lisamcc at 12:39 a.m.

1 comments so far
2008-05-19 00:17:19
"Crankier and meaner than a rat in a coffee can"? That is sheer genius and I plan to use that in a conversation at my earliest possible convenience.

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