
Always Welcome At Our House.

Here's another one of those Validation Moments, brought to you by YouTube.

I labored for years under the assumption that I hallucinated this (I spent most of my childhood being sick -- be it mumps, chicken pox, or bizarre glandular conditions -- so it wouldn't be in the realm of the improbable), only to confirm just now that it REALLY EXISTS:

I can't tell you what a relief this is. Although in MY memory, it was Louise Lasser as Mary Hartman singing. Which makes TOTAL sense.

lisamcc at 2:05 p.m.

4 comments so far
2008-01-10 20:30:12
That is one of the most fucked-up and awesome things I have ever seen. It's amazing that we're as normal as we are, Lees.

2008-01-10 21:54:50
Sometimes I feel sorry for today's young'uns....not bein' exposed to the classics like we was.

2008-01-11 11:35:42
Holy shit, is that Marissa Berenson? Nice.

2008-01-11 12:05:29
I love the little boy in the basement best!

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