
Resolutions. Bah.

New Year's is always a weird, weird time for me. I've had a not-great relationship with it for a good long while, mostly because of the expectations I've attached to it. I've spent many New Year's Eves uncomfortable, inebriated, or both. I've been stood up on New Year's Eve. I've had a random lecher expose himself to me on New Year's Eve. I've wound up in depressing suburban motels drinking cheap "champagne" with people I didn't like very much on New Year's Eve.

It was also on New Year's Day 2002 that I made the decision to quit drinking. I remember that whole day quite well. I had been to a party the night before...I hadn't made an ass of myself or ended the night screaming at the houseboy in the car (believe me, this constituted a "successful" night of drinking for me at that point). I didn't wake up with a hellacious hangover -- I just woke up feeling more tired and sad than I'd ever felt. I puttered forlornly around the apartment most of the day, picked up the phone book, and called AA.

To be fair, the last couple of New Year's have been pretty good, precisely because I haven't gone anywhere, seen anyone, or done anything other than sit on my couch reading or watching a movie. I've learned to manage my expectations -- which is to say I've learned to have NO expectations -- regarding December 31st.

(If only I could apply that to just about everything else.)

I'm not one for making resolutions, really, but if I'm going to make one, it would be to stop giving such a shit about the wrong things....and the wrong people.

Oh, and I also resolve to get a kitty.


Not for nothing, but when did Neil Finn start rocking Paul Weller's 'do?

Jesus. This song KILLS me.

lisamcc at 9:07 p.m.

3 comments so far
Some Assembly Required
2007-12-30 11:05:33
I too have always disliked New Year's Eve. I don't enjoy situations where I'm made to feel like there's something wrong with me if I'm not having a good time. Even ones I've spent with close friends have left me wishing I was home. So we stay home, or sometimes we go to a movie. Last year we saw Casino Royale, but we were home by 10:30.

lj lindhurst
2007-12-30 12:08:09
Man... we have a long-running tradition of having a big New Year's bash at our apartment. THis is the 8th year in a row we've done it... as you can imagine, this is not exactly going to be fun for Little Miss Newly Sober... I envy you guys! I just want to have a quiet evening at home with a movie or whatever...

2008-01-04 11:14:48
We (the Wife and I) stayed up until 10:30 working a jigsaw puzzle. Whoopee! Actually, it was one of the most satisfying NYE I've ever had. btw... you're interesting. Hope you don't mind my looking into your diary. Let me know.

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