
Weep for the future, or, like....something

I just....wow. Wow.

The houseboy, who really tries to see ALL sides before making any sort of judgment call, tried to spin this as "stage fright." And maybe he's right. Maybe the poor dear just cracked under all the pressure of having to be rully pretty AND, like, aware of places such as Iraq and South Africa and, like, such as. Maybe I'm just a caustic, nasty person who makes decisions about someone based on a 30 second answer to a question on a "teen beauty pageant."

I don't know, though. I'm pretty sure this girl is just a stupid bint.

lisamcc at 10:02 p.m.

1 comments so far
2007-08-26 13:01:38
I think this girl simply forgot how to spin her answers. I love the part where she mentions how "[she] personally believe[s]...a lot of people don't have maps." That was where it all started going down like Miss Georgia on one of the judges.

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